Our vision is an essential element of planning process and our mission proclaims the strategies what the institution follow to achieve the goals.
A society striving for and flourishing on Sree Narayana Dharma - Having people educated, skillful, industrious, truthful, mutually helpful and empathetic, peace-loving, mutual relations based on equality, unity and indiscrimination on all accounts, knowledge seeking and disseminating, and endeavoring for self-development in all vistas.
Education and Training programmes, projects and activities to inform, teach, propagate and inspire people on Sree Narayana Dharma – the life, activities teachings and works of Guru.
To prepare and propagate teaching, learning and IEC materials as part of the above said activities.
Publication of books and periodicals to complement and supplement the aforesaid.
To keep and run a profound library enriched with Sree Narayana Guru literature and related works and topics.
To run educational and training institutions offering courses and programmes to attain the vision and social goals of SNISPC.